Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Channnel One News 4-29-09

Obamas First 100 Days

There is alot of talk about Obamas first 100 days in office.

Obama wants to take the troops out of Iraq and send them to some were else.

There is alot of things to do in New york.

Friday, April 24, 2009


Some of the things I did to this apple was it was green with a black out side and I made it greyish, blueish.

Some things I did with this photo is I made the center a red like a light was shining on it. I also made the sides a blur so you just see the rim.

Some of the things I did to this sword is I changed the black blade to a silver one and a silver handle to a black one.


Web 2.0 is a term describing the supposed second generation of web applications that encompass 'community' sites. Examples include wikis, social networking sites, blogs etc .

I really liked fotoflexer because it has alot of fun changes you can make to a photo. I like the distort part, the picture part,and the frame part. These are just a few of the things I like on fotoflexer. I have never used fotoflexer but I will now because I like it.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Tour Operator Project

This is my tour operater tour to Sydney Australia. Click here to see my itinerary

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Channel One News 4-1-09

Guy in pressure

There is a 20 year old guy representing all of the kids over the United states.


They might have Poisson in them. 20 Million are being sent back to the company.

Girl Scouts

There is not many girl scouts any more. They are getting more girls to participate