Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Channel One News 5-19-09

Tenage shooting

There is alot of teen death in chicogo.

There is alot of gun violence.

Ther is alot of gang wars.

There was more then 30 kids shot in chaicogo.

The space tower in space.

They fixed it. Human hands should not touch it ever agine.

THeey wil put a new one in 2014.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Channel One News 5-13-09


The space ship is going up to fix the Hubble telescope.

It is a great telescope that they use.


They want new ideas in there.


There were over 9,000 china people killed in china because of a earthquake.

Over Weight

There is a lot of people that want to got in there army.

Most of them are over weight. There is some boot camps that are helping out those over wight people

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Channel One News 5-6-09

The girl that wrote to the president got here wish to get better things fo her school.

There is alot of things going on in Paskastan and Iraq.

The economy is getting back on track.


You got to have calories and extercise.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Channel One News 5-4-09

Hydroxicut is Dangerous.

Swine Flew is really bad .

There is 20 confirmed death.

There is one confirmed Death in The USA.

The wind brought down the Dallas cowboys Stadium .